Competitive Advantage

About Nicholas Carr (the author of It doesn’t matter)

Nicholas Carr is a famous writer whose major areas of focus are on the social, economic, and business implications of technology. He was born in 1959 in and is a resident of America whose prowess in writing has led to his publishing of several books and articles on technology, business, and culture. Among the many books, he is known for includeThe Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains which was a finalist for the 2011 Pulitzer Prize in General Nonfiction. Others include ‘It doesn’t matter’ which has garnered a lot of controversial reactions from many readers, authors and scholars though the HBR staff voted it the best article to appear in the magazine in 2003.

It doesn’t matter: Nicholas Carr’s Position

In the book ‘it doesn’t matter’, Nicholas says that information technology has been a very important and integral part of business today. For a brief period, infrastructural technologies have opened opportunities for forward-looking companies to gain strong competitive advantages. Time after time, their availability has increased, and their costs have decreased. As time goes by It has become prevalent, ubiquitous, and part of the status quo. People have become used to IT and are no longer considered something unique for anyone. According to him, information technology has become a common feature in a non-proprietary technology infrastructure and has therefore lost its significance in the provision of a competitive edge or strategic advantage for business growth and profitability at the company level. Though used by organizations, from a strategic business standpoint, It gradually become invisible and do not longer matter anymore. He points here that if a company is to be profitable, IT does not matter anymore. The company’s vision and strategy are all that matters. If this can get interpreted from a non-biased standpoint, what Carr means is that IT is no longer a strategic resource for companies. They should also focus on others things and not overspend on IT alone as a feature to lead them to success.

My position
I do not agree with Carr’s position. Saying that IT does not matter is not correct. My differing side from his argument gets based on the fact that IT has today become an integral part of the organization which has helped it in conducting very many daily duties and transactions. IT infrastructure is imperative as it speeds and makes efficient many activities of the company taking care of duties that a man could do in the whole day within seconds. Today, managers make deals with others business partners at the comfort of their desks. Marketing of products has also been made easier through IT which does so through creating social threads via social media. Today, one does not have to appear physically in the shops but only does the ordering from the comfort of his/her home and relax waiting for delivery. IT has created a lot of opportunities and transformed the vast world into a small global village. Thanks to IT that communication between two people located in extreme corners of the Arctic and Antarctic can speak and do business. Apparently, its use is still needed today as was in the past. It matters and is very crucial.

Alcohol Mughith Faisal

Alcohol is a highly addictive beverage that has a strong effect on people who consume it. The more a person drinks the high the likelihood that the person’s mental status will be affected. Alcohol consumption can impair judgment resulting to the engagement in risky behavior. Moderate alcohol consumption, on the other hand, does not affect an individual’s thinking capacity and behavior. In short, the effects of alcohol vary depending on the quantity of alcohol consumed, the frequency of drinking, and the age of the drinker. Over consumption of alcohol can results to immediate consequences such as memory problems, slurred speech, and confusion, engagement in risky behaviors, increased risk of violence and increased risk of accidents. Long-term misuses of alcohol can also lead to alcohol use disorders such as alcohol addiction, and a mirage of diseases included liver cirrhosis and certain types of cancer. Teenagers and young adults are well aware of this risks, but it does not deter them from engaging in reckless drinking. The online survey strives to find out why people drink and how drinking affects their decision making and subsequently, the rest of their lives.

The online survey focused on determining how alcohol affects the user’s decision and choices. The survey also focused on determining whether the participants engage in bad decisions and participate in unprotected sex when intoxicated. The online survey consisted of ten questions that comprise of general questions such as the participant’s gender and age bracket. The questions then become more personalized and focused on the drinking habits of the participant. For instance, the participant is asked when he or she began drinking and the frequency of his or her drinking habit. At the end of the survey, participants respond to whether he or she has ever made choices under the influence of alcohol that he or she has come to regret. The complete set of questions asked and the response results are provided in Appendix 1 below. In total, there were ten questions set for the participants.

A total of 35 participants responded to the open survey questions on alcohol consumption and their influence on the choices and behavior. 31 participants responded from the web link while four responses were from social media.13 participants (37.14%) were female respondents while 22 participants (62.86%) were male. 87.71% of the respondent were between the ages of 18-24 while 14.29% were 25-34 years old. 80% of the respondents admitted having drunk alcohol before with only 20% admitting not to have taken alcohol. 12out of 12 participants (100%) admitted having begun taking alcohol between the ages of 18-24years. On the frequency of the consumption of alcohol, 37.14% of the participants admitted that they consume alcohol 2-4 times a week. 17.14% admitted to taking alcohol at least 2-4 times a month while 14.29% admitted to taking alcohol at least once a month. 8.57% take alcohol every day while 22.86% indicated that they do not take alcohol.

When asked why they began to take alcohol, 66.67% admitted that they succumbed to peer pressure, 16.67% began to take alcohol for fun while 8.33% began to take alcohol out of curiosity as well as to forget their problems. Questioned on their effort to try and stop drinking alcohol, 67.65% admitted having tried while 32.35% admitted having made no attempt to stop the habit. The respondents were also asked about their ability to control themselves while under the influence of alcohol. 1participant skipped the question, but 61.76% responded that they control themselves while 14.71% admitted that they cannot control themselves. 23.53% of the participants were unsure of whether they can control themselves. 52.94% admitted having engaged in unprotected sex while 47.06% denied having engaged in unprotected sex. 55.88% regretted the choices they made while under the influence while 44.12% did not regret their choices.


The findings highlighted the serious situation of alcohol consumption among teenagers and young adults. The habit of alcohol consumption begins at a very young age thus increasing the risk of over-dependence and alcoholism. 87.71% are at a critical age of their life (18-24), and the choices and decisions they make can affect their wellbeing in the future. The pressure to fits in is also a prevalent cause that drives young adults to begin taking alcohol. 66.67% take alcohol because of peer pressure. The finding is an indicator that most young adults take alcohol as a way of fitting in among their peers, friends, and colleagues. According to Boyles (2007), the presence of peers increases the risk of risk taking. An individual may be aware of the risks of indulging in alcohol consumption, but he may still engage in the behavior when surrounding by his or her peers. Boyle (2007) indicates that individuals may be educated on the risks of behavior, for example, alcohol consumption but may still be undeterred to engage in the practice when in the company of peers.

The results also reveal the increased risk of engaging in risky behavior due to alcohol consumption. For instance, the risk of engaging in unprotected sex is high when the individual is under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol clouds the drinker’s judgment thus affecting his or her ability to reason clearly. According to CDC (2013) report on youth risk behavior surveillance, many people engage in behavior that put them at risk of morbidity and mortality. Numerous behavior including taking alcohol and engaging in unprotected/risky sexual encounters have increased thus putting the youth’s health outcome at risk.

Recommendation/Future Actions

There is a need for intensive and continuous awareness of the risk and influence of alcohol consumption in public. The effects to eradicate alcohol misuse in the society must involve parents as well as the young adults. The young adults must continue to be made aware of the negative impact of risk habits such as excessive alcohol consumption. From the findings, it is apparent that most young adults are aware of the risk of alcohol consumption hence their efforts to stop the habit. Therefore, it is importance for intensive public awareness on cessation of alcohol to continue so that the young adults never assume that it is alright to misuse alcohol. Similarly, parents must be encouraged to play an active role in their children’s life. Regular monitoring will ensure that the parent or guardian is aware of her or his child whereabouts thus minimizing the chances of risky and irresponsible behavior. Communities can establish alternative pass time activities that ensure that young adults are engaged. The availability of plenty of ideal time increases the risk of engaging in habits such as excessive alcohol consumption. For instance, the provision of sports activities around learning institutions and the community provides young adults with alternative ways to pass their time.

It is apparent that young adults find themselves in a tight spot when it comes to making a decision such as not consuming alcohol. At one hand, they are faced with voluminous information n the risks involved with the misuse of alcohol among other drugs. On the other hand, they are faced with the desire to fit in by impressing their friends. Peer pressure pushes most young adults to engage in excessive alcohol intake irrespective of the knowledge of potential risks. There is a need for intensive awareness on the risk of excessive alcohol consumption. The young adults need to learn that excessive alcohol consumption does not help an individual fit it in a group, it does not help resolve problems and it is not a way of having fun.

Homework questions for reading

What is Walker’s subject?

Walker’s subject is about the plight of the inner-city residents, especially the issue of capital punishment.

What is Big Pun’s attitude toward government?

Big Pun depicts the government as irresponsible and negligent of its responsibilities of serving the people. He feels angry about the government because of the way he thinks it oppresses the inner-city residents.

How are inner-city minorities depicted?
The inner-city minorities are depicted as the people who are suffering from the actions of the tyrannical government, the people who are denied the opportunities, and the people who are vulnerable to the demise of their lives because of the evils the government is doing against them.

What does Big Pun want his listeners to do?
Big Pun wants the listeners to understand the government better by shedding light on how it is oppressing its citizens.

What is Walker’s purpose in writing? What is her claim?

The purpose of writing this analysis is to publicize the sufferings of the inner-city minorities and also to raise the alarm concerning these sufferings being experienced by the inner-city dwellers. She claims that even today, capital punishment represents the utmost degree to which the judicial law is being exercised.

What strategies does she analyze?
She analyzes various stylistic techniques used by the Pun such as delivery and rhyme scheme to air his resentment.

How does the death penalty serve as an extended metaphor?
The death penalty serves as an extended metaphor because its adds insult to injury; people are already suffering from bad governance, and the death penalty threatens their existence.

Evaluate Walker’s analysis: Is it specific? Is it clear? Does it connect elements of the rap song to the song’s theme?

Walker’s analysis tends to be specific because he focuses on specific ideas and verses in the song that correlates with each other. She picks specific words or sentences that speak of similar ideas thereby cementing the point that she is trying to bring across. The analyst is clear because she presents her points in a manner that is easy to understand what is she is talking about. Walker tries to connect different elements of the rap song to the author’s theme very well. For instance, she analyzes the delivery and the rhyme schemes that connect effectively to the theme of the song which is capital punishment.

Do you like rap? If so, why? If not, why not?

I do not fancy rap songs because of its negative impacts to the community, especially the direct impacts on the youth. The scariest thing about rap songs is that they mentally seem to be contagious and when that combines with the support for violence, people get to murder others for inconsequential slights. Someone feels that he is superior and wants even to shoot anybody who says something negative about him. Rap songs also objectify women in that, instead of making them work partners, the women are used as things to do stuff to. That reinforces the sexual double standard thereby advocating violence against females. the songs always show someone bragging about having much money, and they cannot even help children go to school or even use it to help the needy.

Has rap made a contribution to modern music? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Rap songs have greatly contributed to modern music because it does not entail much and many young people are influenced by the same. You only create a few lines or even sing without any formula as much as you sway to the rhythm. Many songs that are coming up nowadays are rap songs. Therefore rap music is a great influence on modern music.