Homework questions for reading

What is Walker’s subject?

Walker’s subject is about the plight of the inner-city residents, especially the issue of capital punishment.

What is Big Pun’s attitude toward government?

Big Pun depicts the government as irresponsible and negligent of its responsibilities of serving the people. He feels angry about the government because of the way he thinks it oppresses the inner-city residents.

How are inner-city minorities depicted?
The inner-city minorities are depicted as the people who are suffering from the actions of the tyrannical government, the people who are denied the opportunities, and the people who are vulnerable to the demise of their lives because of the evils the government is doing against them.

What does Big Pun want his listeners to do?
Big Pun wants the listeners to understand the government better by shedding light on how it is oppressing its citizens.

What is Walker’s purpose in writing? What is her claim?

The purpose of writing this analysis is to publicize the sufferings of the inner-city minorities and also to raise the alarm concerning these sufferings being experienced by the inner-city dwellers. She claims that even today, capital punishment represents the utmost degree to which the judicial law is being exercised.

What strategies does she analyze?
She analyzes various stylistic techniques used by the Pun such as delivery and rhyme scheme to air his resentment.

How does the death penalty serve as an extended metaphor?
The death penalty serves as an extended metaphor because its adds insult to injury; people are already suffering from bad governance, and the death penalty threatens their existence.

Evaluate Walker’s analysis: Is it specific? Is it clear? Does it connect elements of the rap song to the song’s theme?

Walker’s analysis tends to be specific because he focuses on specific ideas and verses in the song that correlates with each other. She picks specific words or sentences that speak of similar ideas thereby cementing the point that she is trying to bring across. The analyst is clear because she presents her points in a manner that is easy to understand what is she is talking about. Walker tries to connect different elements of the rap song to the author’s theme very well. For instance, she analyzes the delivery and the rhyme schemes that connect effectively to the theme of the song which is capital punishment.

Do you like rap? If so, why? If not, why not?

I do not fancy rap songs because of its negative impacts to the community, especially the direct impacts on the youth. The scariest thing about rap songs is that they mentally seem to be contagious and when that combines with the support for violence, people get to murder others for inconsequential slights. Someone feels that he is superior and wants even to shoot anybody who says something negative about him. Rap songs also objectify women in that, instead of making them work partners, the women are used as things to do stuff to. That reinforces the sexual double standard thereby advocating violence against females. the songs always show someone bragging about having much money, and they cannot even help children go to school or even use it to help the needy.

Has rap made a contribution to modern music? If yes, how? If no, why not?

Rap songs have greatly contributed to modern music because it does not entail much and many young people are influenced by the same. You only create a few lines or even sing without any formula as much as you sway to the rhythm. Many songs that are coming up nowadays are rap songs. Therefore rap music is a great influence on modern music.

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Social Institution Paper

Problem Statement
Divorce in families can get explained as the termination of marriage for reasons that vary with the wedding. Many communities never support divorcing because it gets viewed as disorganization of the society. The contemporary society witnesses many cases of this social vice even when the society condones it. Divorce in families with children presents a lot of challenges to children. Therefore, this topic is imperative in promoting the demand for ordinary social life and full parenting to children.

Literature Review
Causes of Divorce in Families
Marital infidelity, as well as unfaithful that is persistent, contributes to marriage termination. Violence, as well as physical abuse among couples, can also lead to marriage separation (Emery, 1999). Marriages with constant abuse and wife battering are dangerous to couples, and this can attract and dictated the dissolution of the wedding.

Mental diseases in the marriage characterized by intense psychiatric conditions pose many risks to partners and children. In case the disorder is beyond control, the marriage can get dissolved for the security of the healthy ones. The strong personality causes harmful effects to other partner and children (Emery, 1999).

Divorce can be conventionally accepted in the society if a couple uses hard drugs that pose a security risk to the partner.drugs like bhang can lead to violence as well as risky behavior that can lead to assault and even raping children. Use of drugs promotes mistreatment of family members. Issues of controlling partners in marriage also factor divorce. This issue encompasses efforts to manage finances and spousal peers by use of force and disrespect can also lead to separation (Emery, 1999). Inability to work together concerning couple earnings tears marriages apart. Many learned ladies assert that the money they earn belongs to them while those made by the husband are for the whole family. Such marriage conditions promote divorce.

Impacts of Divorce on Children
Children are usually the primary recipients of negative effects of divorce. The lives often change negatively in the upbringing (Emery, 1999). Though most are usually young and unable to comprehend the effects, the later life usually presents the challenges didn’t. Children from divorced families usually get their academic performance negatively affected. The psychological pain from their parent conditions makes it difficult for them to concentrate on studies (Bright, Dignam & Kendrick, et al.). These children also lack full parental supervision that is critical in child development. Children can experience dropped standard of living when left with the economically unstable parent. Divorced children are also vulnerable to dropping out of school and engaging in deviance behavior. Emotional trauma from lacking full loving presence also haunts children from divorced families.

Divorce Effects on Spouses
The social status of divorced individuals drops in many societies especially those that view divorce as irresponsibility as well as shame (Bright, Dignam & Kendrick, et al.). Divorce also presents adverse effects among couples. Emotional, as well as psychological pain from the divorce, can easily lead to heart attacks. Other divorced couples end up in drug abuse in search of comfort from negative divorce experiences. Children also end up hating the parent who they associate with the problem. Children end up forming alliances with parents they stay with and hates the other parent. Living standards also drops on some couples, especially if living depended greatly on combined efforts. This situation is characterized by the inability to meet basic needs (Bright, Dignam & Kendrick, et al.). Peers intimidations emanating from divorce is also a problem facing divorced individuals. This situation involves getting love at and even rejections. The effect of such situation if escalates lead to emotional pain. Doubling of responsibility is also an effect whereby the divorced need to adjust to handle the responsibilities that were done by the partner.

Conflict Theory in Divorce
Conflict theory asserts that people strains in the effort to reconcile the conflicting while living. Conflict theory similarly characterizes the divorce situation. Divorce proceedings usually reflect the conflict theory situations. Couples negotiate and discuss allocation of assets among them. On the other hand, divorce presents aggressiveness and use of appeasement of coercing one another. Divorce takes the four steps of conflict theory (Bartos & Wehr, 2002). These four stages are; Prior Conditions phase that presents issues that dictate divorce. The conflicting issues are usually infidelity, misuse of finances, violence and inability to give up uncombined views in the marriage. The awareness or frustrations stage is the second one, and it presents dissatisfactions and stress among couples (Bartos & Wehr, 2002).

The Intense conflict is the third phase that shows complete misunderstanding among married couples. The stage is also the Accommodation stage characterized with couples trying to solve their conflicts. The scene gives each couple trying to win. This process shows the use of force and violence. Finally, we have the Aftermath, which shows growing of grudges among the spouses opening room to set the rules for divorce. The conflict theory explanation reflects divorce in families because divorce comes from conflicts that conflict theory explains in stages.

In conclusion, divorce leads to domestic instability and dysfunction. It makes children undergo stressful life while coping with it. Decisions to divorce must consider the interests of children and their development. If situation forces for it, continued and full support to children must be observed to make children grow normally. Whether valid or wrong reason to divorce, the decision needs to get taken as a last resort. Society should, therefore, reorganize its social functionality to eliminate separation among its members.